Housing Disrepair Claims - Frequently Asked Questions

Does my tenancy agreement affect my right to claim?

The type of tenancy agreement you have can affect your rights and responsibilities. Generally speaking, if you do not have exclusive use of any part of a property, you have a license to occupy. If you have exclusive use of part or the whole of the property, you are likely to have an assured or short-hold tenancy agreement.

Our experienced team of advisers can help you establish your rights with regards to your individual circumstances. Simply complete our online claim enquiry form to establish your right to make a claim.

What legal obligations does my landlord have?

Your landlord is under no obligation to improve your property, however, they are legally required to carry out repairs in order to maintain the property and ensure your safety. They are specifically responsible for:

  • The structure and exterior of the premises;
  • Water pipes and instillations relating to water usage – such as baths, sinks, drainage systems and toilets;
  • Gas pipes and electrical wiring;
  • Heating systems (excluding cookers);
  • And ensuring the property is free from vermin infestation.

If you have made your landlord aware of your housing disrepair complaint and they have not acted to rectify the problem within a reasonable* period of time, you have a right to claim compensation.

*What is deemed reasonable is dependent upon the gravity of the situation; for example, any disrepair posing an immediate risk of injury must be dealt with straight away – such as a gas leak.

Will I be entitled to compensation?

If you have a valid claim for housing disrepair, aside from compelling the landlord to repair your property, you can also claim compensation for:

  • Inconvenience caused;
  • Damage to personal property;
  • Personal injury or ill health resulting from the disrepair – including respiratory illness caused by damp conditions;
  • Any financial losses suffered as a result of the failure to rectify the disrepair.

Does it matter if I am in privately owned or council accommodation?

No. Whether you are renting from the council, a housing association or a private landlord, you can make a claim for compensation regarding housing disrepair. You have specific rights as a tenant; our expert advisers can help you make your claim today.

Can I withhold my rent while I make a claim?

No. Not paying your rent would be deemed a breach of your tenancy agreement. This can result in your landlord receiving a possession order from the court allowing them to evict you. If you have already withheld your rent see “Will I be evicted?” for further information.

How long will it take to process my claim?

Each case is individual. On average, housing disrepair claims undertaken by our team of experts are generally settled within a matter of months. During this time we act entirely on your behalf, removing any stress, or demands on your time and money, from the process. Start your no win, no fee claim today.

How much will I have to pay?

There are no hidden charges when you use our housing disrepair claims’ service. We work solely for you on a no win, no fee basis. You have nothing to lose by establishing your right to claim, simply complete our claim enquiry form to find out what you are owed.

Is there a time restriction on my claim?

You can make a housing disrepair compensation claim even if you no longer live in the property in question. However, there is a six-year limitation on making a claim from the time the landlord was first made aware of your complaint. Furthermore, this is reduced to three years where you also wish to make a personal injury claim. Don’t delay, start your claim today, using our simple claim enquiry form.

How much compensation will I receive?

Each case is individual. The amount of compensation received is dependent on the severity of the disrepair, how long it has been an issue and the effect it has had upon you.

What do I need to do?

You need to give notice of any housing disrepair to the landlord in writing, specifying the date and your issue. Keep a copy of all letters sent and received and log all calls made. You can also take photographs highlighting the problem. Should the landlord take action to complete the repairs within a reasonable* period of time, they have met their obligations and no further action is needed. If the landlord neglects their duties you can fill in our simple on line claim form to get the repairs you require and the compensation you deserve.

*What is deemed reasonable is dependent upon the gravity of the situation, for example a gas leak would require, and should have resulted in, immediate action.

Will I be evicted?

Where tenants feel aggrieved by housing disrepair issues it is common for them to stop paying rent. In these cases a landlord may continue to ignore their obligation to repair the rental property and may apply to the courts for a possession order (resulting in your eviction).

If you are in this situation, we can help you by making a counter claim on your behalf for a breach of repair obligations. If you have suffered inconvenience, stress or injury as a result of the disrepair you may also be entitled to compensation. Where the damages received and compensation granted exceed the amount owed in rent we can request that the possession order is suspended and that the landlord pays you the balance.

Owner Occupier / Renters

  • Owner Occupier (62.9%)
  • Renters (37.1%)

Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) 2015 -2016

Home ownership 1996 – 2016

  • 16-34
  • 65 and over

Labour Force Survey (LFS)


and we’ll give you advice on your individual situation and help you get the compensation you are owed!